Clunes Volunteering Local
Volunteer Positions
The Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc (CNH) is an incorporated, not-for-profit association managed by a community Committee of Management (COM). It provides opportunities for lifelong learning, community engagement and supports initiatives for residents of Clunes and surrounding districts. One way to learn and grow is to become a volunteer. Check out our volunteer positions here by clicking underlined text to access a position description for that role. If the position you're interested in is already filled, there may still be opportunities for you to volunteer in a similar capacity. It takes a Village... It's true. Life is better lived with company.
At CNH you can volunteer in a formal role or get involved in other parts of our organisation that appeal to you, or give you a chance to use skills you want to share or develop. Many of these roles are flexible. Some involve set times and shifts, and others can totally work around your other commitments. Just a few of the informal volunteering opportunities we currently have include:
Below are the more formal volunteer roles that we currently have on offer:
Many of the activities of CNH are community-led. Our Open House Meals for example, were an idea started by one woman who wanted to make a difference. She worked with a team of like-minded people for several years, under the auspice of CNH to provide insurance coverage and further support. Eventually it developed so much momentum that it became a formal program of Neighbourhood House and has involved numerous teams of volunteers ever since.
If you have an idea, you’d like to put into action to make it happen – why not see if we can assist you? Send us an email at outlining your ideas. We'd love to hear from you.